Saturday, August 6, 2016


Photo By: Egor Shapovalov 
You clever fox
who slinked into the woods.
your padded feet,
your quick feet,
soft touch against the fallen leaves.
gone without a trace
where did you go?
when the world turned red and flashed its neon signs?
mama moon set a trail with her magic singing beam.
she cried so deep her cratered face sunk
into her hollowed cheeks
is your winter coat warm enough for the season's windswept blow?
do you lie in the dark and toast to tomorrow's auburn skies?
if marshmallow clouds caught you as you fell,
would candied jets be there to soar you away to better runways?
when the soil births new grass
i hope you shed all the weight
that wears heavy on your shoulders
and run,
run light,
stripped of all your scars.
you clever fox,
you freedom seeker,
you wandering soul,
have you made it home yet?